Difference Between Fact and Opinion

When you listen, read or watch a piece of sensational news, do you question whether it’s a fact or an opinion? Many times, we do not even realize that we consume content without questioning whether it’s a fact or an opinion! So, what is the difference between the two? Let’s learn more with some examples!

What is Fact or Opinion and Why Should We know the Difference?

Even a toddler believes whatever is said to them, such as, ”you are a bad boy”. Does the toddler know if that statement was a fact or opinion? It is likely the toddler could believe it is true and assume they are bad. This has to be taught at a young age, to question whether something said, written, printed, heard or watched in media, is a fact or an opinion.

What is a Fact?

When you have to do some research for academics or related projects, you have to consult various resources online and offline. You have to question whether the information you derive is a fact or an opinion of the author. There is a way to check if something is true or a feeling or a belief.

A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. Methods like measurement, counting, observation, research, and experimentation are used for verification. This means, some methods are used to validate the truthfulness of a piece of information. When there is a proof, that piece of information is said to be a fact. Facts can be confirmed by research and checking the evidence.

Informed facts:

There can be certain exceptions, such as, when the opinions of experts can be considered informed facts if they are based on research, reflection and years of experience. This refers to opinion of experts having years of research experience could be considered as facts if they are based on evidence.

What is important is that, the source of information must be reliable and the facts based on research and evidence. Therefore, when subject experts and media present information as real despite lack of evidence and research then they run the risk of losing credibility.

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Example of Fact

  • Young Readers Week is celebrated in the US in the second week of November every year, while the second Tuesday is celebrated as Young Readers Day.
  • There are twelve months in a year.
  • The square table has four legs.
  • Saturday is our weekly off.
difference between fact and opinion
Difference between fact and opinion

What is an Opinion?

An opinion is a statement that is based on feelings, judgement, and beliefs. Besides, it cannot be proven as true or false. A person’s opinion is a personal choice.

Same may or may not be true for everyone. Opinions may not always be based on research and evidence.

Sometimes, opinions cannot be verified because they are subjective and could be different for someone else. While, sometimes, opinions are supported by facts.

Opinions are put across using words such as, ”I think”, “I feel”, and “In my opinion”. There is a belief, intuition, gut feeling, doubt, like, dislike, comfort, discomfort, and other personal judgment attached to opinion. 

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Example of Opinion

  • The weather is too hot and cloudy since morning, so there will be rain in the evening.
  • This white shirt is lucky for me.
  • That news program is the best.
  • Pesto pasta is yummy.


If statements cannot be verified then they are not facts, they are opinions. So, if you want to know how reliable a piece of information is, you need to know the difference between fact and opinion. It is necessary to distinguish between fact and opinion as this is a critical thinking skill in 21st century information literacy.

This will help you judge things, come to conclusions and make decisions. Sometimes, when reading, it can be hard to tell if a statement is a fact or an opinion. In such a situation, remember the above explanations and determine if the statement is a fact or an opinion.

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