How to Build Resilience in Kids?

Children must learn resilience in today’s changing world. Resilience and adaptability are crucial to their success as they overcome setbacks. This article will discuss techniques to help kids build resilience and overcome adversity with confidence and strength. 

I think kids are intrinsically resilient, that is why they learn languages and walk and run. However, as emotional development and social consciousness develops, resilience can sometimes become painful. 

Parents, educators, and caregivers may help children thrive in any setting by using the tactics given below. A resilient youngster can face life’s hardships with confidence and strength.

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Why does the Current Fast-Paced Environment Require Resilience Education for Kids? 

A growth mindset stresses hard work and effort for advancement. It teaches students to accept difficulties, see mistakes as learning opportunities, adapt and grow. This empowers kids with life skills beyond the classroom.

Also read: What is Resilience?

Instead of avoiding problems, resilience is about learning to overcome them. Developing these skills helps young people face life’s obstacles with bravery and strength.

According to Angela Lee Duckworth, a renowned psychologist and author of ‘Grit’, resilience in childhood is more crucial than IQ. Early resilience training empowers children to excel, accept new possibilities, and adjust to the ever-changing world.

Also read: Book Summary of Psycho Cybernetics, a book on Growth Mindset

What are Some of the Practical Ways to Build Resilience?

Building resilience in children helps them face obstacles with confidence and adaptation. Practical science-backed techniques to build resilience in kids:

1. Set Routines: 

Stability and predictability make children feel secure and resilient. Daily routines reinforce abilities such as attention, impulse control, and problem-solving. Exercise boosts brain strength and stress resilience.

2. Model Healthy Social Behavior: 

Show empathy, problem-solving, and pleasant interactions. Children learn by watching adults, so model healthy interactions. Promote optimism and educate kids to solve difficulties rather than dwell on them.

3. Develop and Maintain Supportive Relationships: 

Encourage family, friend, and mentor relationships. Strong partnerships cushion hard situations.

4. Foster Social Connections: 

Make social connections through group activities, team sports, and community events. Social relationships build resilience by encouraging belonging.

5. Encourage Creativity: 

Play lets kids experiment and learn problem-solving. It also improves emotional management and adaptability.

6. Goal Setting: 

Use goal setting to help kids set achievable targets by breaking them down into smaller steps. This can be done with kid-friendly templates. Start with small tasks that give kids a sense of success. 

Weigh persistence above immediate expertise. If reading is difficult, read a few pages every week and discuss the subject. Teaching planning skills emphasizes dedication and determination to goals.

7. Learn from Setbacks: 

Help kids see setbacks as growth opportunities. Compare failures to learning and improvement. Teachers have a significant role in fostering resilience by giving meaningful challenges that promote tenacity and determination.

Dr Amit Sood is one of the leading experts on Resilience in the world. He has authored several books based on his research, you can read his books and get indepth knowledge on resilience.

In Conclusion, 

In this article, you read how to build resilience in kids. Developing resilience in children requires dedication and effort over time. Society needs to support young individuals in overcoming life’s challenges with a focus on fostering optimism, critical thinking, and self-nurturing.

Encourage children to find the positive in challenging circumstances. Encourage kids to identify positives and learn from failures. Empower youngsters to solve problems independently, and teach them effective problem-solving skills. Develop imagination and resourcefulness.

Help kids recognise and express emotions. Allow kids to express themselves in a safe environment. Healthy practices and self-care can help kids heal from setbacks. Exercise, self-awareness, and relaxation should be encouraged.

Help kids set reasonable goals and celebrate their progress. Encourage tenacity. Help youngsters form supportive family, friend, and mentor relationships. Encourage them to seek and help others.

Teach kids that failing is normal and a chance to learn. Praise their efforts and highlight setback lessons to build resilience. Show resilience in your actions and thoughts. Teach kids to overcome obstacles gracefully. 

We can raise resilient people who can overcome challenges and thrive in the face of adversity using these techniques.

Further reading:

Dr Andrew Shatte’s advice on how to become a resilient leader.

Medium article of Dr Amit Sood

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