Challenges of New Indian Parents

How New Indian Parents Can Overcome Parenthood Challenges?

Parenthood is a life-changing experience that can bring joy and stress. In India, where young and old mingle, new parents may struggle in terms of parenting style and much more. This article discusses these concerns of new Indian parents and offers solutions so you can enjoy this wonderful experience.

Finding a Balance between Traditional and Modern Parenting

New Indian parents must often choose traditional and modern approaches to raising their children. Finding the right mix is crucial. Along with being open to new child-rearing methods, it’s crucial to learn from the past.

So, new parents must research and find what are the parenting styles and the effects on child development due to each method. Oftentimes, you could slip into the old parenting style as a default mode and you may adopt the same methods that you were raised with.

However, if you were not happy as a child with a particular style of parenting behaviour or statements, for example, how you were shamed, then you must take care not to repeat those.

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Meeting Family Expectations

Indian families value extended family. Disagreements regarding child care might cause stress, even then, communication is crucial. Politely explaining your parenting choices to your family will help them understand and accept them.

What we did in our times or how we raised children, may be common statements from the older generation, though spoken casually, can be hurtful and distressful for new parents. However, you can always evaluate and make choices according to your situation, time and place.

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Struggle with Time Management

Balancing work, family, and children is difficult. Set job priorities and consider delegating. Use time management apps and ask relatives for help so that you can set up a healthy routine.

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Find tools and ways to help you with your tasks and set priorities. Do not distress yourself, remain fresh and happy for your child.

Taking Help

As families are nuclear, new parents may struggle with child care, managing the home and continue earning their livelihood. This could be more applicable for new mothers with infants, and little or no support to look after their babies.

The absence of good day-care centres, distance from parents and in-laws, can make matters difficult. New mothers could feel left out. Discuss with your partner that parenting is the responsibility of both of you. New parents can discuss their priorities and get help from in-laws and extended family.

Also, employing help for child care or additional house chores can be a good idea and offer some relief to the new parents. Find good daycare centres attached to pre-primary schools and try them for a few hours to make your toddler familiar with peers.

Form parent support groups and network with other new parents to share ideas.

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Food Habits and Nutrition

Infants and young children have special dietary needs. Due to the quantity of information available online, choosing a diet is difficult. To create a healthy diet for your child, consult doctors and qualified nutritionists.

Be aware that times have changed and make responsible, informed and healthy food choices for yourself and your family. Indian parents expect their children to eat healthy food and look robust.

New parents may make food choices according to their personal preferences and knowledge.

Health Care Availability Concerns

Many people worry about getting good medical care. Find the best local medical services by doing some research. Plan for your health care needs to secure prompt support.

Read child care books by known authors, like, Baby and Child Care by Benjamin Spock. Reading such books will prepare you for taking care of a newborn infant.

Additionally, read books on child development and psychology so that you can take care of your child’s emotional health and become aware of age-specific milestones.

Digitally Adjusting to Parenting

In this digital age, it’s hard to keep kids from using devices too much. Restrict screen time and promote off-screen activities. If you use technology all the time, then your child could be tempted to use tech devices too.

Make sure you balance your screen time and off-screen activities and when with your child, give them all your attention. Use parenting blogs and YouTube channels to your advantage.

Managing School Pressures

Indian culture values education, which may cause early pressure. You should develop as a whole rather than just academically. Think about learning through play and curiosity-based activities.

Indian parents tend to put pressure on their children in academics and compare their children with other children. This can be shameful for the child so new parents must take care not to make their child feel inadequate.

Managing Money Stress

Raising a child costs money. Start financial planning early. Plans to save and fund schooling can help with future financial concerns.

Schooling, extracurricular activities, clothing, paying EMI, recreation, and regular home management, all clubbed together can be large expenses. So, discuss as a couple and parents, what are your ideas on your spending pattern.

Striking a balance will help new parents manage their finances.

Understanding the Importance of Mental Health

The emotional health of parents and children is crucial. Find a support group or get expert help if needed. Indian parents tend to insult their kids in front of others because they think this might improve them. But, on the contrary, this practice does not help, so new parents may take care.

Moreover, Indian parents want their children to win and stand first in competitions. They may not handle failures well so new parents can take care to teach that failures are inevitable. Anyone cannot possibly win in all areas of life all the time. New parents may adopt a mindset of exploration, doing their best and enjoying the journey instead of winning or losing.

Lack of communication between parents and children can be detrimental, listen to what children want to share and let them voice their thoughts. New parents, in turn, could be overwhelmed with their new role so it is essential to relax and not take pressure in trying to be the perfect parent.

Teach your child to be kind to others. Practising and teaching narcissistic behaviour, bullying, manipulation and control will lead to distress in the long run.


Find a balance between pampering and over-strictness. Indian parents tend to be overprotective and concerned about their children throughout their life no matter the age of their child.

Comparing their child to other children from school, society and extended families is something Indian parents do naturally. So, as a new parent be careful and aware of what effect this trait can have on your child.

As a new parent, you will confront many challenges that require compassion, empathy, and adaptability. Indian parents can handle these issues since they know both traditional and modern child upbringing methods. In your parenting journey, take help of best parenting practises, be informed, rejuvenate yourself, cleanse your aura and elevate your energy levels.

Recognize that you will need help and information along the way, and remember that each problem you address is a step toward a better parenting experience.

Further Reading

A Millennial’s POV

Indian Society and Mindset

How to Handle Childrens Behaviour Patterns?

Parent-Child Relationship

Common Mistakes and Solutions by Life Coach Ritu Singal

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