List of Indian Magazines for Teenagers and Children’s Reading

Searching for Indian magazines for kids and teenagers? Then, you have reached the right article! Keep reading. In this article, you will find a big list giving out names of various magazines for elementary kids, middle graders, and higher grades in India. As a bonus, you will get names of few international children’s magazines too! Additionally, you will read about other important related topics and activities!

What makes children’s magazines different from other magazines?

Children’s magazines have special types of content that appeal to their young readers. General infotainment magazines for kids have these features/segments.

And much more. Apart from general infotainment, there are children’s magazines on several other content areas like,

  • Science
  • Earth and Environment
  • Animals Life
  • Sports
  • Psychology 
  • Health and Wellness
  • Computers
  • General Knowledge

Children’s magazines are designed to be useful, interesting, entertaining, informative and capture the attention of their young readers. This is why most kids get attracted to children’s magazines.

Also read: Best phonics books and easy readers for kindergarten kids.


Essentially, these magazines are useful during the growing up years for general reading, academic help, and personal development. If you need more information on the magazine, kindly Google it as “name magazine + subscription” or “name magazine + publisher”. For instance, if you wish to know more about the magazine Wisdom, type in Google “Wisdom magazine + publisher” or “Wisdom magazine + subscription” for better search results. Hope this helps.

Children’s magazines for 6 TO 9 year old kids

  1. The Children’s Magazine
  2. Children’s Digest (India)
  3. Little Primary Plus  For Nursery and L.K.G.
  4. Magic Pot
  5. Tinkle
  6. Children’s World
  7. Intelly Jelly
  8. Kidsage
  9. Mocomag
  10. Primary Plus Turtle- For U.K.G and I
  11. Champak
  12. Balvihar
  13. Gokulam
  14. Primary Plus Junior- For II and III
  15. Thinkling
  16. Highlights Genies
  17. Brainfeed Junior (3 to 6 years)
  18. Brainfeed Primary 1 (6 to 8 years)
  19. Toot
  20. Dimdima

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magazines for middle grades
Children’s magazines in India

General (mix topic) magazines for middle grades in India

  1. Time for Kids
  2. Brainfeed High
  3. Winspire
  4. Brainfeed Primary 2 (8 to 10 years)
  5. Readers Digest
  6. Hoot
  7. Primary Plus Young Minds- For IV and V
  8. Comixense
  9. Primary Plus Next Step- For VI and above

Also read: Best Picture Books for Reading Aloud to Kids.

General knowledge/social issues magazines for kids and teenagers in India

  1. Knowledge Quest
  2. Consumer Voice
  3. Kurukshetra
  4. New India Samachar
  5. Scholastic News
  6. Tell Me Why
  7. Winspire
  8. Wisdom
  9. Highlights Champs
  10. The Teenager Today
  11. Junior Scholastic

Current affairs/competitive exam magazines for teenagers in India

  1. Competition Success Review
  2. CSR GK Today
  3. Civil Society
  4. Matrubhoomi GK and Current Affairs
  5. Outlook
  6. World Focus
  7. Yojana
  8. Competition Refresher

Also read: Budding Authors Guide to Write Story

Academic support/competitive exam magazines for higher grades in India

  1. At Right Angles
  2. Biology Today
  3. Chemistry Today
  4. Geography and You
  5. Junior Science Refresher
  6. Mathematics Today
  7. Physics for You
magazines for teenagers
Magazines for middle and higher grades in India

Environment/Nature magazines for kids and teenagers in India

  1. Terra Green
  2. Down to Earth
  3. National Geographic Young Explorer magazine
  4. Gober Times
  5. National Geographic Little Kids (age 3-6)
  6. Sanctuary Asia
  7. National Geographic Kids (age 6+)

Science magazines for children and teenagers in India

  1. Invention Intelligence
  2. Knowledge Quest
  3. Oyla
  4. Science World
  5. Junior Science Refresher
  6. School Science
  7. Oyla Science

Check link “Journals by NCERT”.  

Watch video on 25 children’s magazines for middle school students in India and subscribe to my YouTube channel

Hindi magazines in India for middle graders and above

  1. Srote
  2. Vigyan Pragati (science)
  3. Payas 
  4. Pluto
  5. Cycle 
  6. Balbharti 
  7. Balhans 
  8. Lotpot 
  9. Chakmak
  10. Sandarbha (for teachers)

Sanskrit magazines and an online resource for children and teenagers in India

  1. Sambhashana Sandesh
  2. Saptavarna
  3. Chandamama (in Sanskrit)
  4. en.amarahasa [dot] com/resources/  (e-resource – not magazine)

Computer/IT magazines in India

  1. PC Quest
  2. Digit
  3. Voice & Data
  4. Dataquest

Also read: Do people read books anymore?

Psychology and Wellness Indian magazines for teenagers and teachers

  1. Life Positive
  2. Heartfulness
  3. B Positive
  4. Yoga and Total Health
  5. Psychologs

Sports magazines

  1. Sports Star
  2. Cricket Today
  3. World Soccer

Higher education/career guidance Indian magazines for teenagers 

  1. Brainfeed Higher Education Plus
  2. Careers 360
  3. Higher Education Review
  4. Brainfeed (magazine for teachers and leadership)
  5. Higher Education Digest
  6. Career ahead
  7. Insight Success
  8. Career Guide

International Children’s Magazines

  1. Babybug 
  2. Ask
  3. Ladybug
  4. Dot
  5. Okido
  6. Storybox
  7. Juno
  8. Chirp
  9. Click
  10. The Week Junior
  11. Lego Life
  12. Adventure Box
  13. Cricket
  14. Dig into History
  15. Science and Nature
  16. Brainspace (augmented reality)
  17. Cobblestone
  18. Ranger Rick Jr.
  19. Spider
  20. Faces
  21. Muse
  22. Owl
  23. Chickadee
  24. Anorak
  25. Dot
Watch my video on magazines and journals for teachers and educators

Are children’s magazines in the same category as journals?

No, though magazines and journals are both periodicals, yet they are different. Magazines are in simple language and for casual reading. The reader base for magazines is the general public of all age groups. Additionally, children’s magazine content is different from content in general reading magazines for adults. There are a variety of unique magazines for people of all ages; like magazines for children, women, men, topical magazines on health and fitness, news etc. Magazines are published at regular intervals.

Magazines could be published,

  • Weekly (newsmagazine)
  • Fortnightly
  • Monthly
  • Bi-monthly

Journals, on the other hand, are

  • Academic/technical
  • Have research-based articles
  • They are peer-reviewed by the scholar community
  • Meant for scholars and researchers

Journals are research-based and technical so they are published,

  • Yearly
  • Half-yearly
  • Quarterly
  • Bi-monthly
  • Monthly

How can children’s magazines support literacy?

Often, recreational magazines for kids have short stories that you can use to teach or identify story elements. So if you are a teacher or a parent, you can help young readers identify these elements.

  • Identify the characters, setting, problem and solution
  • Finding a story map 
  • Story sequences 
  • The main idea of the story
  • Summarizing
  • Characterisation
  • Predicting events

Also, teaching media literacy is great when you are using magazines and newspapers. This will help the kids to think critically when they consume information through the media. With media literacy, kids will learn to identify and find answers for the following,

  • Differentiate types of media and their messages
  • Is the news gossip or fake?
  • Identify who is the author
  • What is the author’s credibility?
  • What are the author’s purpose and intent?
  • How does the media influence the way we think and act?
  • Is the media message a fact or opinion?

Using children’s magazines to develop critical thinking skills in children

Multiple intelligence areas are covered in children’s magazines, thereby giving a good mental stimulus to the young readers. They are used to develop critical thinking skills in children. Critical thinking lets us question ideas, assumptions, relevance, find possible errors, co-relate, evaluate, analyze and solve problems.

How to use children’s magazines in the classrooms?

There are several magazines in the list given above. Many are specifically children’s magazines, while others are for middle graders and higher grades. Magazines are used in classrooms to teach media literacy, support comprehension, creative thinking and problem-solving. Art projects, crafts, puzzles, jokes, non-fiction snippets, etc. are interactive and support all-around education. Document camera capture visuals of magazines projected on a whiteboard for the entire classroom of kids. 

In 21st century classrooms, the use of these document cameras help in delivering engaging and clear instruction. They are easy to use and facilitate the teaching-learning process.


Magazines are a springboard for further research. Additionally, print and online resources lead to discussions with peers, teachers and family. Here are some activities you can do using children’s magazines in the classrooms or at homes.

  • Discuss festivals and related stories. 
  • Poems from magazines could be an inspiration for composing verses
  • Read aloud stories from the magazines and discuss the story elements.
  • Find information about people who made a difference to society and talk about what you liked.
  • Create a topical display board using ideas from magazines.
  • Projects like rearranging the magazine features for a better reading experience.
  • Brainstorm and create new feature/segment for a children’s magazine.
  • Creat a new logo for a magazine.
  • Peers or reading buddies club together to complete activities like creating a sales copy for their favourite magazine. 
  • Find the message in a comic strip and discuss it.
  • Discuss which are the genres in the magazines and how did you identify them.
  • Science experiments in magazines give the lead for new projects.
  • Presentation, debates, and surveys.
  • Magazines are used to teach media literacy

Magazine reading can improve vocabulary and creative writing

Most children’s magazines have short stories and snippets about famous personalities. Children pick moral lessons and values from these articles which impress the children’s minds. Magazine features either inform, describe, persuade or entertain the young readers. 

Also read: Historical Fiction Books From India For Independent Readers.

Reading magazines regularly acquaints children with word meaning and correct usage of words involving contexts. A variety of genres are printed in children’s magazines like humour, suspense, fantasy etc., and non-fiction informative articles on a variety of topics. Young readers pick expression and communication styles from books and magazines.

Authors use various writing styles and unique methods to create suspense, mystery, humour, or expository text to keep the readers hooked. Children involuntarily pick up this vocabulary and can identify writing styles with robust reading habits. Reading outside syllabus for recreation and gaining new information gives a wider perspective/big picture of life. 

  • Write poetry inspired by poems in magazines. 
  • Create unique stories using images from old magazine issues or newspapers.
  • Inspired by magazine images, create a new comic strip storyboard with captions.
  • Write letters, short stories, artwork, jokes, poetry, and creative comic strip. Submit them to the magazine editor. 
  • Few magazine websites have additional resources, useful for children, parents and teachers as well. 
  • Subscribe to magazine blog articles, they act as a springboard for activities, lessons and projects.
  • Use children’s magazines as a classroom management technique.

Magazines can bring excitement and renewed vigour in the spirit of inquiry and research. Children get excited about topics and parents can’t ask for more.  

Magazines turn beginner readers into avid readers 

Magazines support reading out of the syllabus. Children read magazines and storybooks for the love of reading. They keep going back to reading children’s magazines because they are interesting and fun to read. Young learners grow up to become avid readers by reading picture books, early reader books, children’s magazines and chapter books. Kids develop the habit of reading by easy access to children’s magazines and books of their reading level and interests.

Reading magazines de-stresses children

Do you think kids feel happy when they read magazines? It’s because magazines have,

  • A mix of multi-genre format 
  • Interactive content
  • Child-friendly appealing presentation 
  • A lot of visual aids  
  • Breaks the routine of homework and assignments
  • A sense of community with peers
  • No pressure to study for grades 
  • A choice of what to read or skim 
  • Informal reading for information
  • Makes them familiar with a variety of topics in a short span of time
  • Contemporary, relevant articles of high interest.

It’s no wonder children enjoy reading magazines. 

Also read: Best fiction books for middle graders.

Reading magazines aids holistic development

Through magazines, kids come to know what is happening in the outside world. Regular newspapers don’t always have news articles that are fit for children to read. Children’s magazines convey news in a gentler way. Educational and recreational content in children’s magazines are specially designed for children and teenagers.

Rainwater harvesting, reducing carbon footprint and similar relevant topics in magazines like Down to Earth make the readers aware of latest statistics or happenings. Reading these articles enrich the kids perspective and knowledge. Magazines are not a waste of time. They are essential to the entire juvenile community. Magazines are not frivolous or unnecessary. They are an integral part of children’s growing up years and make children’s life richer.


Children’s magazines greatly benefit kids and teenagers. The several activities listed above will enrich the reading experience. Are you thinking of a magazine subscription? Interests, age and reading level are important factors to consider for choosing magazines for children. 

Children are happy to receive print magazines by post, with their name on it. They feel like grownups, just like their parents receiving mail. It’s a magazine copy they own. They can go back to reading, solving something from the magazines. Weighing the effects of the pandemic, digital editions of children’s magazines are also a great option to consider.

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